Thursday, November 4, 2010

UN sees China as a Necessary Influence in Sudan and Myanmar Polls

The U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon asked Security Council China to assist the Sudanese and Myanmar polls. He said in a speech given on Tuesday to the Communist Party, "I asked your government's help in assisting the two sides find their way to a peaceful future, recognizing their shared interests." However, though he claims it is necessary, he has neglected Beijing's own human rights record.

Besides its diplomatic engagement in Sudan, China has a significant peacekeeping mission in the country, which could help with implementing the transport and technical support in the voting.
Additionally, China can ensure that Myanmar, it's southern neighbor moves in a positive direction following the military-run government's staging of the country's first elections in two decades on Sunday.

"I see it as an important test. Will the vote perpetuate an untenable status quo? Or will it set the country on course toward a more open, democratic and inclusive political future?" Ban said.

Criticism towards Ban has been directed due to his disregard of raising specific human rights issues to the Chinese leadership. Primarily, critics are dissatisfied with Ban's fail to act upon the case of dissident writer and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Li Xiaobo.

Contributed by Iris Yan

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